Thursday, 5 August 2010

Police brutality

Police pulled over Robert Whatley, 70, for not wearing a seat belt as he drove through country lanes in South Wales. The 8-mile chase started after officers tried to give Mr Whatley a fixed penalty notice but he drove off.

Fair enough he was breaking the law. However it doesn’t justify what happened next. Look at the speed in the bottom right of the clip. Nowhere does he break the national speed limit. (Unless overnight it has been reduced to 40 MPH). He certainly doesn’t appear to be trying to escape.




Read the rest of the account here. Tell me what you think.


  1. I bit over the top.
    However, earlier to day a dozy old git with a walking stick stepped of the kerb straight in front of the car. I didn't hit him - but I was tempted to when he whacked the car with his stick.
    Re this guy, I read the account and he was certainly giving the court a load of old bollocks - but still doesn't mean the police weren't at fault

  2. I agree with the load of old bollocks he gave but that is no excuse for thr police conduct in this incident.

  3. So.. On the one hand we have the likes of the amazing PC Rathband, and on the other, complete cunts like these. I'm now beginning to understand why Moat had 'cop-hating' followers!!!!!!!!!!! If those guys are ever allowed to wear a police uniform again something is very very wrong.

  4. Either bollocks or there's a big question mark over his fitness to drive, but absolutely no justification for the police to react the way they did. Jesus, even the stinger seems excessive when the old boy was just boodling along at normal speeds - why not just follow until he stops? Because some coppers join up after watching too many Hollywood cop movies? Because they have absolutely no sense of proportion? Because they're at heart jumped up little Gauleiters who believe they have the power to behave violently towards those they're supposed to protect from violence (not that they have a prayer of achieving that anyway)?

    Still, had to laugh when the mongstables were so keen to drag this highly dangerous master criminal out of his car that none of the fucking idiots thought to check the handbrake before it rolled backwards towards their own vehicle.

  5. This sort of thing is becoming more and more common.

    On BBC south east this evening it was reported that they tazered a 14 year old girl by "mistake".

  6. They were really trying to shoot her?

  7. They used the so called "mistaken identity" claim. That's no good if she wsn't a threat anyway. They're just trigger happy now.

    God forbid if they give them guns. Oh dear, I forgot, they already have them.

  8. Another dangerous criminal off the streets. I'll sleep better tonight. Cunts.

  9. You've just one my quiz. However before you can claim the non existent prize there is a supplementary question.

  10. "Still, had to laugh when the mongstables were so keen to drag this highly dangerous master criminal out of his car that none of the fucking idiots thought to check the handbrake before it rolled backwards towards their own vehicle."

    Oh, damn! I didn't watch the whole thing, so I missed that! Might nip over to Insp Gadget's with that as an antidote to the loons who are currently trying to justify this as acceptable....

  11. Julia.

    They find it acceptable? I'm lost for words......

  12. Oh, to be fair, there's a certain amount of 'closing of ranks' against what they see as unfair criticism. That's to be expected. Wiser heads may be - I hope - simply keeping quiet.

    But I've just been told that my pointing out the unacceptability of this sort of behaviour (and that of the Tasing of the innocent bystander) is somehow 'disrespecting' the families of those killed by Bird.

    Still scratching my head over THAT one...

  13. Yes Julia. I fail to mmake the connection there either.


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