Thursday, 24 June 2010

Another Quango that should go

the National Centre for Social Research.

From their website:


Let's take the various sections and break it down.

Education. I thought that would be handled by the department of education.

Crime and Criminal Justice. What's the Home office doing then?

Employment, skills and training. I'm pretty sure we have a ministry for that.

Income and benefits. Yep. A ministry as well.

Family Life, relationships and children. Keep your noses out of our lives. What I do in my house has fuck all to do with your snooping.

Health and Nutrition. I'm sure we had a health service for that. I'm pretty sure I pay a lot of tax for that department.

Transport and the Environment. I most certainly pay through the nose via VED and taxes on flying.

Social Inclusion. A fuzzy left wing phrase that says I have to pay more tax to house Shaz and her 8 kids in the style they think they are entitled. (46 inch plazma in every room).

Social and political attitudes. None of your business.

This is an outfit that is a registered charity. But look where the income comes from.


What I'm trying to get across is, if all those Ministries, with all their vast staff, can't do their own research, then they deserve a culling. FFS £41 million.

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