Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Lynn Rival. The latest

A British couple kidnapped by pirates more than six months ago have appealed to the new government for help.

Paul and Rachel Chandler, from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, were seized by Somali pirates in October while sailing from the Seychelles towards Tanzania.

In an interview with a Somali journalist filmed last weekend for ITV and Channel 4 News, Mr Chandler called on the new coalition Government to make a statement on whether or not it will assist the couple.

He said: "I would like to say 'congratulations' to David Cameron first. As the new Prime Minister we desperately need him to make a definitive public statement of the Government's attitude to us.

"As I said, we are two British citizens, we have been kidnapped in the Seychelles (Editors Note: Sorry, but the RFA Wave Knight was not operating in that area. Therefore they were not in the Seychelles) which was a perfectly safe place to be.

"If the Government is not prepared to help then they must say so because the gangsters' expectations and hopes have been raised by the thought of a new Government. There might be a different approach.

"If the Government can help, and I think they should, then we would welcome that and would they please do so.

"But either way they must make a statement so that we know where we stand."

The government can't help. It would destroy years of work done in denying terrorists a reward for their acts.

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