Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Any Police actually out on the streets?

Do you actually consider that any of the groups below couldn't be axed after the next election? I mean why do we need a "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Action Group" and a "Gender and Transgender Action Group"?

Citizen Focus Performance Gold Group

The Diversity and Fairness Strategy Board, responsible for setting the strategic direction of Kent Police for race and diversity, is now part of the new Citizen Focus Performance Gold Group.

Equality and Standards Board

The Diversity and Fairness Delivery Group is now part of this new board, which the Assistant Chief Constable (Human Resources and Learning and Development) chairs.

The board reports to the Citizen Focus Performance Gold Group.

Minority Ethnic Action Group

To raise awareness of race relations, racism and cultural diversity throughout the force.

Disability Action Group

To make sure that Kent Police is fully compliant with all aspects of the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and meets the general duty to promote disability equality and the specific duties contained in the act.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Action Group

To assist Kent Police in an advisory/consultative capacity on matters affecting lesbian, gay and bisexual staff and be a dynamic forum for positive action.

Immigration and Asylum Action Group

To advise the Equality and Standards Board on diversity issues relating to immigration and asylum.

Hate Crime Action Group

To liaise with external and partner organisations, specifically Victim Support, to make sure holistic awareness is maximised and opportunities for making a positive impact on hate crimes and incidents are identified.

Age Action Group

Advise the Equality and Standards Board on issues of age relating to the working environment, employment and potential employment and service delivery

Gender and Transgender Action Group

To drive the implementation of the Gender and Transgender Action Group Plan.

Fairness Action Group

To advise the Equality and Standards Board on fairness issues relating the working environment, employment, potential employment and service delivery.

Gypsy & Traveller Action Group

To assist the force in making sure its policies and procedures take into account the needs of Gypsy and Traveller groups.

Religion and Belief Action Group

To monitor and provide advice on the investigation of religiously motivated hate crime and strategies to assist its reduction.

Diversity Team

The Diversity Manager provides support and guidance to deliver a service which abides by fair practice in equality and diversity.

Diversity Training Team

The Training Team is responsible for reviewing all learning and development taken by Kent Police officers and staff to ensure it meets the requirements of our Equality Scheme. The team also produces and delivers a range of equality and diversity training for external customers.

I'm sure I could do most of this work on my own. Maybe some part time staff.

It seems a staggering waste of money to me.

Oh, and by the way. They have £11.1 million in Icelandic banks out of the Kent total of £50 million. They really don't seem to be good with their money


  1. No 'Nicking Villains' group? Well, knock me down with a well aimed blow to the head.

  2. That's the one they had to disband because of all that money they lost in Iceland.

  3. Surely you mean OUR money?

    And coming soon to a Police Force near you...

    Now including climate change for extra goodness.
    Do follow the Nottingham links and check on the 'partners'. 'usual suspects' covers it I think?


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