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Tuesday, 24 November 2009

The latest Paul Clarke update

I'm not going to go into detail, as the praise should go to Constantly Furious. For info, he has now enlisted the help of UKIP.

For the latest update, please visit the Constantly Furious Website

Well done CF

I'm glad I retired from The Royal Fleet Auxiliary

I used to work as a marine engineer with this outfit till last month.

On October 28, 2009, the armed Royal Fleet Auxiliary tanker Wave Knight met Somali pirates transferring the British couple Paul and Rachel Chandler from their yacht Lynn Rival to a hijacked Singaporean container vessel.

Rachel Chandler and her Somali captors. The British couple has made a direct plea on video warning UK authorities they fear the 'kidnappers are losing patience' and may kill them

Hostage: Rachel Chandler and her Somali captors. The British couple has made a direct plea on video warning UK authorities they fear the 'kidnappers are losing patience' and may kill them

When warning shots from Wave Knight failed to deter the pirates, its 100-strong crew stood by and did . . . absolutely nothing.

It's not the Beeb, but the truth is leaking out slowly

I'm glad that the global warming con is now being talked about more openly, and not just behind closed doors.

Shamelessly knicked from Subrosa

Dead against Skyprotect


Dear Wankers at Skyprotect,

I have just received a letter from yourselves, thanking me for purchasing Skyprotect.

I have done no such thing. The only time I have contacted you was to inform you of the DEATH of my uncle, Mr xxxxxx . That's it, DEAD, DECEASED, SHRUGGED OFF HIS MORTAL COIL, Etc. Need I go on? Is no-one taught to actually read letters these days. There was also another slight clue in the envelope which you failed to spot. Why would I enclose a death certificate?. It's not a mandatory document required for a purchase as yet.

Yours, in disgust,

Mr Filthy Engineer

Soon to ditch Sky and turn to Virgin cable.

Hope I wasn't too hard on them for their minor mistake