Tuesday, 24 November 2009

I'm glad I retired from The Royal Fleet Auxiliary

I used to work as a marine engineer with this outfit till last month.

On October 28, 2009, the armed Royal Fleet Auxiliary tanker Wave Knight met Somali pirates transferring the British couple Paul and Rachel Chandler from their yacht Lynn Rival to a hijacked Singaporean container vessel.

Rachel Chandler and her Somali captors. The British couple has made a direct plea on video warning UK authorities they fear the 'kidnappers are losing patience' and may kill them

Hostage: Rachel Chandler and her Somali captors. The British couple has made a direct plea on video warning UK authorities they fear the 'kidnappers are losing patience' and may kill them

When warning shots from Wave Knight failed to deter the pirates, its 100-strong crew stood by and did . . . absolutely nothing.


  1. This shames the UK. You cannot imagine Trafalgar being held up whilst 'elf n safety carried out a risk assesment.
    Suprised they have not removed the brass plaque on HMS Victory - "Nelson fell here" - its obviously a trip hazard.

  2. I'm glad I retired from the RFA too Nick but in this case the Wave Knight got it right. The Chandlers are still alive.


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