Monday, 9 February 2009

They don't make me feel safe.

This morning I went to get my paper. On returning to my home, I reflected how things had changed over the years. This thought was prompted by taking out my keys to unlock the front door. I can't remember when I was a kid, ever seeing a door locked. How things have changed.

My house has two locks on the front door, three on the back one, all the downstairs windows have security devices, and there is an alarm fitted.Which brings me to the point in question.

Where has the visual policing gone?

Only a few years ago, the village had it's own Bobby, Kevin by name, and 6' 2" tall. Kevin used to walk round the village, passing the day with anyone he met, always on the move. Even in the high street of the nearest town, you could not help to bump into at least one Policeman, during the course of a few minutes.

Then came the rationalisation (Cuts) in the force. (Sorry again, service I should have said).

Nowadays the only police you are likely to see are those that dash past in their police cars, going where, is anyones guess.

God help you though, if you do meet up with one of these creatures. I popped into a petrol station a few weeks ago. When I came out from paying, I was confonted by a tall, shaven headed individual, that was attired in dark blue, festooned with menacing looking objects, and a completely humour free demeanour.

I was asked, "Please get in the back of the Police car, Sir". I dread to think what would have happened if I'd said "NO". He was so Completely devoid of any interpersonal skills, that I think he'd have called up his mates and had me locked away under the 42 day rule. Throughout my little interview, locked in the back of the Police car, I was made to feel like an axe murderer.

That little incident has made me wary, if not somewhat scared, of approaching any member of our so called police service. I really felt threatened at the time. No wonder the Government has had to bring in CCTV and PCSOs'. (I will rant about the uselessness of PCSOs' another time.)

It's about time the police got out and related with the public they serve. They might find that with our help they would catch a few criminals.

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