Thursday, 20 September 2012

In extremis

Now I don’t normally post on this subject, but sometimes things have to change.

The subject is Islam.

Over and over again we’re regaled with depressing regularity, that this so called “Religion” is the Religion of peace.

Firstly I’d like to point out that isn’t only a religion. It’s governance by Dictator. Following a set of of rules that were devised in the seventh century, and have scarcely changed

This so called “Religion” espouses that those who do not follow that religion are inferior, and if they do not change their current religious affiliation then they are fair game to be slaughtered.or at the very least, cast into slavery.

This so called “Religion” treats women as second class beings. The word of a woman counts as half that of a man.

This so called “Religion” declares that Jihad is the duty of all Muslims to wage war on Non-believers. What do we endure? Aircraft smashing into buildings, trains being blown up, videos of beheadings, children being used as suicide bombers.

Well I would just like our western leaders to do is give these savages, which is what they are, an ultimatum. Stop now or face the consequences. Any more attacks on us, the freedom loving.people, will be justification to launch retaliatory strikes on your holy sites, one by one. Of course these leaders of the “Religion of peace” will just ignore it at the outset, but once the first one has been obliterated, maybe sense will prevail.

Of course in the aftermath a wailing and gnashing of teeth and more flag burning and Embassy burning will most likely ensue.

The answer is: “That was only the first”.

This would do it.

Do we have to fight by their rules?

DISCLAIMER: I don’t hate all Muslims. I just hate those who are stuck in a feudal seventh century that wish, to justify their inadequacy by attacking those that have struggled through adversity, to make the rest of the world a better a better place to live.

Perpetual Motion.

Toast powered.

perpetual motion

Obvious really.