Tuesday, 24 July 2012

That delinquent teenager

Donna Laframboise is a journalist who has spent much of her time in research into debunking the theory of AGW. The video below is part of her tour in Oz explaining why she thinks the IPCC is not fit for purpose.

She shows how the final assessment reports were mainly compiled by a mix of green advocates and poorly qualified lead assessors.

If you would like to read her excellent book,

The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World's Top Climate Expert you can buy it on Amazon. That link is to the paperback version. £12.78. Or you can buy the Kindle version for £4.37

Well worth a read.

And No. I’m not her agent.

Iconic or not.

What do you think? Personally I’m pissed off with the onslaught of “You will enjoy the Olympics or else”. And as usual the BBC coverage is the most fawning and nauseous. Last night’s news was obviously setting the way for hours of coverage of this expensive wankfest.




It’s that time of year, isn’t it?

H/T to Skip Licker