Saturday, 13 August 2011

Well Done Mr Plod.

One of Britain’s finest undoes any respect for the Police gained after the looting and rioting. Why throw your weight around and alienate the public, when more than ever you need to bring the public onside?

In the past a good copper would have used the power of persuasion, complete with a smile  to get the result he desired. The man complaining hadn’t actually committed an offence as far as I could perceive, other than filming the police and moving around.

Has it really come to the position that we are stopped because we might be thinking of committing an offence?

Why do they do it?



Our father, who art in prison,
Even my mum knows not his name,
Thy Chavdom come, 
Thy will be done in Manchester
As it is in London,
Give us this day our welfare bread,
And forgive us our ASBOs,
As we happy slap those who give evidence against us.
And lead us not to employment,
But deliver us free housing,
For thine is the Chavdom,
The Burberry & the Bacardi,
Forever and ever.
