Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Stony Stratford–The Movie

Well not really. It’s a newscast from ITV asking the views of local residents and shopkeepers on the smoking ban in outdoor spaces  called for by councillor Bartlett. They are not pleased with the pillock in their midst

stony stratford1

If you would like to add your resistance to this attempt to stifle civil liberties why not support Dick Puddlecote and friends on Saturday at 11 am. The Vaults Bar (I’m told the beer is good). If you let this one go unchallenged, don’t complain if you are a drinker or slightly overweight, they’re after you next. The denormalisation strategy is in place. Go on. It’ll be a good day out.

The speakers so far confirmed are as below (others may follow):
Bill Etheridge - Midlands representative for The Freedom Association
David Odell - Head of Stony Stratford Chamber of Commerce
Patrick Hayes - Journalist at the Institute of Ideas and columnist at Spiked
Nigel Farage - Leader of UKIP


Please publicise it on your Face book page.

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