Friday, 11 February 2011

Please be true

Governments, investors and even the World Bank are rushing for the exits in the Great Escape from the green energy bubble.

Solar energy appears to be the worst affected sector so far. Dow Jones reports on a startling U-turn by Britain’s ultra-green government has caught investors off guard and shock waves across the markets will likely precipitate the further rush from green energy projects to shale gas.

The UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change made the shock announcement as it revealed a comprehensive review of its Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program. Indications from data provider, Prequin are that over $1bn in earmarked funds may be lost as Britain now promises it will only hold tariffs until April 2012.

The article is by John O’Sullivan. Do go and read the whole post.

You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

It would seem that you can’t do anything these days that will not get the Righteous screaming with indignation.

Speaking at the parish council's meeting on Tuesday, chairman councillor Mark Rolle said he had been offended by the slur on the sign.

"The realms of decency were overstepped – we could be branded a village of bigots."


Councillor Paul Boyes agreed and said: "I personally find it offensive. I think it is our duty to say something."

and more

But Councillor Angela Trend disagreed and said: "I found it offensive. Some people aren't confident enough to go in and make a stand."

And of course the plod were involved. Natch.

A spokesman for Hampshire Constabulary said police had "spoken with the hotel's management about the issues."

What was the offence, you ask? Remember the Christian couple who were castigated for turning away a gay couple? This is the exact opposite. It shows that we have a class of person that is professionally offended.

What was the offence?

Police investigated a village hotel owner for erecting a "Poofters welcome here" sign, in reference to a recent court ruling that B&Bs are obliged to accept homosexual customers.

Well Done Brillo

Brillo tears John Hirst to shreds on the Daily Politics show.


Insufferable twat.