Monday, 14 June 2010

Even when smokers die they're still in the wrong.


Cystic fibrosis sufferer Lynsey Scott, of Wigan, died months after surgery at Wythenshawe Hospital last year.

Sad but it happens.

Well the crux of the matter is that she had a double lung transplant. All well and good.

But oh Noes.

Shock horror. The lungs were from a smoker.

The father of Lynsey who died after a double lung transplant said she would have been "horrified" to discover the organs were from a smoker of 30 years.

What is it with the righteous, that even when a good deed has been done to prolongue this woman's life, they still have to castigate the donor, because he or she smoked.

She was bloody lucky to get the transplant in any case.

And now she didn't die because of that lung transplant.

She died a few months later in July. Tests later concluded the primary cause of death was pneumonia.

Well Mr Scott and the NHS. Tough shit. My lungs are going to the crematorium with me.

My second Quango for the chop.


The Food Standards Agency.

The FSA was established on 1 April 2000
by Act of Parliament (Food Standards
Act 1999).

I wonder what we did before this quango was established?

We did of course have this:

The Meat Hygiene Service (MHS) was
originally established on 1st April 1995.

What  I can't understand is why did we ever need them in the first place? In my childhood we never had people dying by the thousands, with bodies littering the houses and streets of the country.

Why not, you ask?

Because we had cookery classes in school which taught the basics about food preparation, storage and hygiene.

We also had parents who passed on their knowledge gained by their experience.

And none of this cost an eye watering £155,000,000 per annum.

The net cost of the FSA was £155m against
available funding of £160m to 31 March

Their success rate is astounding. Look at the huge amount of successful prosecutions that they have accomplished with taxpayer funded millions.

However, it is possible to report on all
those cases that were concluded during
2008/09. Overall, 18 cases (comprising
a total of 106 individual charges) were
brought before the courts by the FSA,
Defra, or Procurators fiscal during the year.
The charges laid in these cases covered a
total of 41 separate referrals from the MHS.
Convictions were secured in 14 of the
cases. One case resulted in acquittal with
proceedings withdrawn in three cases.

Rant over. I rest my case.