Friday, 16 April 2010

Breaking financial news.

Goldman Sachs accused of fraud

The US government's financial watchdog alleges that Goldman Sachs misled investors by failing to disclose conflicts of interest in mortgage investments it sold as the housing market was faltering.

The SEC announced it had lodged civil fraud charges against the company and one of its vice presidents - news that sent stock markets worldwide reeling.

London's FTSE 100 Index plunged 1.4% in reaction, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average in America fell more than 160 points at one stage.



Stop press. Heath scare alert. Panic

Remember swine flue? Now we are all going to die due to the attack of the killer volcanoes.

People with lung conditions like emphysema and asthma should stay indoors if volcanic ash starts to settle, a spokesman for the World Health Organisation said.

I wonder if they have shares in face masks ? You're more at risk in my opinion, of the fumes from public transport belching out those black clouds of unburnt diesel.

A spokesman for the Health Protection Agency (HPA) in the UK said Mr Epstein's advice was in line with its own. He said the situation was being monitored closely and could change but that regular updates were being sent out.

Why is it that every bit of news these days has to have it's own scare story. Could it be that they are trying to justify their jobs before the GREAT CULL that will happen after May 6th?

Crowds cheer bomb disposal experts

They heartily deserve it. I've worked alongside a Royal Engineers Bomb disposal group and have the highest respect for what they do.

Thousands of people welcomed home 200 bomb disposal experts lauded as heroes for their work in Afghanistan.

The soldiers from the Counter Improvised Explosive Device Task Force (C-IED) were cheered as they marched through the streets of Didcot, Oxfordshire.

The small town came to a standstill for the parade, with shops closing their doors and local firefighters standing outside their station to pay silent tribute to the returning soldiers.

The unit has suffered heavy casualties, with the loss of seven men on this tour.

I wish them all well.

Whole article here

There is some justice then.

After reading about Tilern DeBique in the media and her ludicrous claim for over £1 million in compensation I must congratulate the Tribunal for their common sense.

A single mother soldier who won a claim of race and sex discrimination against the Ministry of Defence was awarded £17,016 by an employment tribunal today.

Tilern DeBique, 28, who was reported to have been seeking £1 million in a row over childcare, had argued that she was expected to be available for duty “24/7, 365 days a year”.

The payout was £17,016. about 6 months of her annual army pay.

It (The panel) found that Miss DeBique was “unreasonable” to reject the “unique” offer of a five-year posting to the Army's Blandford garrison in Dorset that had childcare facilities.

Can we have some more commonsense from tribunals in the future?

Robert Green and Holly Greig. Latest Update

Robert Green has been released on bail.

Quote of the day

With reference to the Icelandic erruption.

As somebody quipped on the radio.

'Dear Iceland, we said send CASH'