Friday, 9 April 2010

1+ 1 doesn't equal 2

I was in employment for 44 years. It still makes me shudder to think about that.

What I would like to set out is the inequalities in our tax system.

I was recently musing with a friend on how much we pay and what we get in return.

In my case the following:


Income tax and NI removed from my earnings was about 33%.

I smoke. Nuff said.

I drink. Ditto

I drive. Therefore I'm taxed for the privilege. Road fun licence, Fuel duty, VAT.

Council tax.

Shopping has Vat added.


I haven't used the NHS for at least 15 years. Where have MY NI contributions gone?

I'm likely to be denied proper medical care because, Shock, horror, I drink and smoke. And of course because I was out of the country for long periods serving the crown, I am now no longer entitled to NHS dentistry.

Where has all the money I have paid in motoring taxes gone. Believe you me, the state of the roads in Kent, make some of the third world look like road bliss. (And before anyone gets started, I have seen most of the third world).

Council tax seems to be a No No for me. I have never used any of the emergency services (Except the Polis who bravely gave me a crime number for insurance purposes). (Don't forget the pot holes).

It just seems that I'm a middle england cash cow to be used by governments as they see fit.

I even, a couple of years ago went on the DHSS(or whatever they call themselves nowadays) website, to see if there was anything  that I was entitled to. The website almost exploded in telling me to fuck off you spoilt middle england taxpayer.

Where has my money gone?

We are really seeing a once great nation head into a Mach 5 death spiral.

I just feel cheated. Do you blame me?

Come on you wankers that want my vote. I'll need an awfully lot of assurance before I vote for you. And don't expect that I'll  believe you.

Am I bitter? You tell me.

I may not return......

No I'm not stopping Blogging. It's time for the DENTIST.


Oh, and just to make it worse. He'll try and castigate me for the evils of smoking.

Water off a duck's back.


UPDATE: I survived.

Jeremy Clarkson would love this.

Don't do this at home folks