Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Webeurope/Easycms/Pumpkinmedia. Or whoever you're called now.

It doesn't appear to have very good Employer/Employee relations it would appear.

From the comments on my Blog comes this. I hope XWEBEUROPE EMPLOYEE that you don't mind me posting it for the edification of the readers.

I used to unfortunately work for webeurope!


Too good to be true for sure! I could tell many a fascinating story regarding Mr Karl Winn (aka Brick Top, Snatch) and his beloved WEBEUROPE/EASYCMS/PUMPKIN MEDIA (ran under Mark Peach), awesome stuff! I love the fact they are still using agencies under many names to get employees... In 2 days 3 seperate companies have called me regarding a position in Taunton for £30k etc, im like "PUMPKIN, or webeurope by any chance?!?!", LMAO!!!

Well this is known as KARMA WEBEUROPE for stiffing me out of a months wage and just "letting me go" for no reason! they are lucky that i had no money because I was at the final stages of an employment tribunal but needed to fork out for the courts, and i was skint! so they got away with it.

K A R M A its a bitch! hahahahhaha

And if there is anything else you can tell me..............?