Sunday, 21 March 2010

Weddings. How much should I have to fork out?

Considering the last daughter cost me £27,000. Would anything less be suitable for the other daughter?

Answers required.

Replies like: "you stupid twat",

"Who pays out that sort of money?", and

"tell them to bugger off". All are welcome.

Ideas will be considered.

Oh and bye the way. You have to justify your answer to my wife.

Welcome to the game of Marital chicken.

This might be the venue

Motoring today.



Why is it that Sunday brings out the worst drivers onto the Roads?

1. The old man in his Nissan Micra. Why do you need to wear a coat and hat in a car that has climate control? More importantly. Could you please for fuck's sake drive more than 25 Mph on the open road? Surely the clue was the thirty cars behind you. (At least my 220 BHP got a workout when overtaking him).

2. The M25 driver in the outside lane pegged to exactly 70 Mph and refuses to move over.

3. The woman at the Dartford crossing ahead of me. Before you set off next time. have the Toll charge ready. At least have your handbag in the front of the car.

4. I can't go on. My blood pressure is too high.


And that was only the outward journey. The return journey was worse because................. It was dark.




I always said they were a waste of space. I'm talking about PCSOs here.

Supporters say they offer a reassuring uniformed presence on the streets, but critics – including many regular officers – have branded them "plastic policemen" or "CHIMPS", which stands for "completely hopeless in most policing situations".

It would appear that some of them are not too honest

There have been at least 2,233 investigations into PCSOs for alleged misconduct. By comparison, a total of 16,300 PCSOs are now serving nationally.

Now I'm off out to lunch. You can read the whole article here.